29 June 2013

Bunny Love

A bit of Bunny love.. Lepus Australis opens Thursday 4th July and runs till 14th July. For more info click here!

No Vacancy Gallery QV
34-40 Jane Bell Lane

24 June 2013

Eleanor Voterakis

In 2012, Eleanor posted a daily drawing on Instagram for 150 consecutive days. As she began to gain followers and ‘likes’, it got her thinking about the possibilities for an exhibition.  As Eleanor says, “Anyone familiar with social media knows that it’s all about ‘likes’! Top 40 is the 40 most ‘liked’ drawings.”
Eleanor explained to me that some of her personal favourites, such as the portraits, didn't make the cut! Eleanor's Instagram followers “are the 'instacurators' of Top 40.” 
Top 40

Opening 6 - 8 pm Thursday 27th June

Exhibition Dates 28th June - 11th July

15 June 2013

Madeleine Stamer WORKS ON PAPER

Works On Paper by Madeleine Stamer opens this Tuesday 18 of June from 6 till 8pm and runs till 20 July at Hut 13 in Armadale. Taco truck is on hand for all you foodies...

12 June 2013

New work for Ubabub

Congratulations to our friends at Ubabub, their spectacular Giclee Sundae print featured on The Block in Madi and Jarrod's winning bedroom reveal. Imagine waking up to the good vibes beaming from that colourful beauty each morning! Well done guys.

08 June 2013

Alice Oehr

Alice Oehr Open Studio closing Party, Sunday at Harvest, very cool Giclee prints and stuff for sale! Boogie on down...

06 June 2013

Inky Splashy Good Times

Grab a drink and check out a collection of works by Josh Radford at The Kent Street Bar, 210 Smith Street Fitzroy.


04 June 2013

The Block

If you're a fan of The Block you may have noticed a pair of Big Bird Heads perched above stylish contestants Johnno & Trixie's bed head. The birdy pair looked right at home and impressed the judges.  Full props to my wife Madeleine Stamer for the awesome art and I'll take credit for the printing ;o)